Kissing The Face of God

Kissing The Face of God
Kissing the Face of God

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Place to Pray

I am wondering how many bloggers out there in the Catholic blogosphere have set aside places in their home to devote to prayer, whether as a family or by yourself?  I think having a prayer corner is a lovely idea and one that can inspire greater devotion to prayer life and to God. 

For myself, since I am currently the only practicing Catholic in my home (still working on and praying about that!), I have a bookshelf that has a drop-down desk panel. In this area, I keep: candles, both real and electric; a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe, framed; a matted photo of St Therese; A novena booklet and set of beads for my patron saint, St Dymphna; my Bibles (both a Catholic version and "The Message", an easy to read translation), an angel statue; another framed photo of the Blessed Mother; a book that describes each day's saint; the Pope's prayer intentions for each month; a list of local seminarians to pray for; and my rosary.

Making time to pray can be difficult, but by golly, if mom's with 7 kids and more can make time to do so, so can I.  Anything less is just wrong--how can we possibly say to our creator, "I have no time for you"?
My prayer corner in  the light.....

and in candlelight.

SO--when do you pray? Do you follow a set pattern? Do you have a special prayer place, and what do you keep in it?


  1. Hi Kerry, I got to your blog from Jennifer's and thought I'd be your first commenter. I'm a catechist with RCIA and I'm always interested about how new Catholics are getting on. I have a little prayer corner with candles, bible, an icon of Jesus, a small cross my son made for me, and some very special rosary beads from the Holy Land, as well as some prayer books. I tend to pray more at night as I'm very fuzzy headed until at least lunchtime! I can identify with the anxiety issues you're having around peri menopause. I just got through menopause last year, and the anxiety is much better than it was, but it is horrible isn't it?Praying that you truly experience the peace of the Lord that passes all understanding.

  2. Hi Chris--thank you so much for being my first commenter! It's great to hear your anxiety improved one you got through perimenopause--my mom had the same experience. I'm hoping mine will go that way as well. Til then I am trying hard to learn to lean on the Lord and know that He has it all under control, even if I feel like it's all falling apart, lol!

  3. Kerry you are so amazing! This really hits home for me...I did not have a place for prayer at my apartment, but my intention is to put one in the center of our new home...where it will actually end up I am not sure but I know we will have a place we can go to pray together or alone! I curently pray the Rosary on my way to work as well as the divine mercy chaplet sometimes if I get the time I pray the divine mercy chaplet at 3 or on my way home if I miss the 3 o'clock hour...I hope to one day get in my children to pray the rosary with me before bed...that would be a blessing!!


  4. I would love to do that too Jeanie--it's a dream of mine!
